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The High Priestess ~ In Her We Trust

An Iron and Wire Formed Angel Statue

Please note: Affiliate links may be included in this post. It's just the sprinkle I need to keep the magic alive.

The High Priestess has earned Her spot in the realm of Consciousness.

Many moons have passed since Her days of playing fancy magic tricks as the Magician. She sits on her throne, a keeper of time and space, rock solid in her knowledge. Her iron clad wings shield and veil all that she has learned, protecting her from breaking the cast of knowing.

The High Priestess of The Deviant Moon Tarot has taken a tour through this realm many times over. She has become a part of the Shadow, her bare feet earthing her to the pulse of the city. She was a part of crafting the beginning, lived to see it come to an end, and has the knowledge to live through it again, world without end.

Her power transcends all elements.

Her infinite purpose is to curate the lessons brought about by emotion, passion, courage and fragility. She knows the answer to our being lays in the movement of our elements, and the circuitry of our energy.

The High Priestess of the Deviantt Moon Tarot and Broken Pen

"She has become a part of the Shadow, her bare feet earthing her to the pulse of the city."

She carries with her a piece of communicative tangibility... a stylo of recognition. But if the circus around her would take the time to SEE, they would know that in hand she carries nothing but an empty shell, ink free and broken. To connect with She, Her magic will not be passed down via transcript. You will find what you need to know by standing in Her presence, cocooned in the Shadow of Her wings.

Let go, listen and earn the right to discover your higher calling to the realm of The Deviant Moon Tarot.

Finding Duende,


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